18th May is the National (Brazil) day of combating sexual abuse and exploitation against children. This day was chosen by Federal Law 9.907 of 17th May, 2000.


This day remembers a violent crime when little Aracelli was killed with eight years old. She was raped and had her body entirely disfigured by acid. Since 1973, when she was murdered, until today the responsible for this crime, people from the high society in Vitoria (ES), were not properly accountable.


The crimes of sexual abuse and exploitation against children happen widely, every day, in all social classes and in all cities of Brazil (and all the world). They occur inside any kind of home, schools, street, field, internet, and everywhere else.  Most of these offenses has no investigations, the victims don’t receive proper care while the criminals do not have the due punishment (as the case Aracelli).


The Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (PCI) of Pedophilia was established in April of 2008 by Senator Magno Malta, who was also president of this Committee, and had as main goal the guarantee of children rights, especially preventing and combating sexual abuse and exploitation, i.e., all crimes related to pedophilia, including the ones committed using internet.


PCI of Pedophilia was the longest in the history of Brazil and during almost three years of working (April/2008 to December/2010), traveled through Brazil, listening to thousands of people, also children victims of pedophilia and their parents who were justifiably angry with the situation. They had also listened to the worse kind of criminals and cowards. The PCI also produced very important Laws (as Law Against Child Pornography, Federal Law 11.829/2008); intermediated agreements with major world internet providers; investigated serious crimes in several states in the country; exposed powerful criminal who were trying to escape from the legal punishment; mobilized the entire country defending sexual abused children bringing out the barbaric crime, that is often silenced.


During the PCI of Pedophilia the campaign “Everybody Against Pedophilia” (“Todos contra a Pedofilia”) was created with the primarily objective to bring information to all people, this way the knowledge and education regarding this issue can improve the prevention and fight the crimes related to pedophilia. Maybe this is one of the most important contributions of the PCI to Brazil: knowledge and education.


Only through knowledge and education it will be possible to avoid the children sexual exploitation, whereas through internet (pornography and harassment) or through people who offer child prostitution. These efforts are the only way to avoid a child to be victim of rape, whereas by their parents inside their home or anyone. These are also the right approach to punish legally the criminals who breach the law.


I am District Attorney of the State of Minas Gerais for over twenty years, as a result of Senator Magno Malta invitation to work in PCI, I had the honor and privilege to follow their work from the beginning to its closure in December of 2010. During all this time I had the opportunity to see and listen to all kind of sexual violence against children, i.e.: abandon, torture, rape, prostitution, sexual abuse even with babies, fathers and mothers as abusers, incest, death, negligence, among several other actions harming the child. I traveled to several places, from cities in the country side of Amazon Forest to the extreme south of Brazil, passing by the biggest capitals, coastal cities, country cities of Piauí, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, and others. All this negative burden makes everyone sad and mark profoundly everybody who confront this reality, as it has marked me.


Because of this uncontrollable indignation towards these crimes is that we continue firm (even after the official closure of PCI of Pedophilia) with the campaign “Everybody Against Pedophilia”. Nobody, especially those who experienced first and the horror of pedophilia, has the right to remain careless regarding the prevention and combat of these crimes. Everyone has a duty, legal, moral, ethical and spiritual, to protect the child.


For this reason, together with numerous friends, we keep struggling to do our part, by discussing the subject in quite a few states, publishing the hand-book “Everybody Against Pedophilia” (by the Federal Senate, Governemet of Minas Gerais Estate and whoever has the interest to freely distribute it), traveling around Brazil, keeping connected to social network, etc. The campaign count on several famous people, distinguished supports who use their influence and reputation to spread the message in defense of child and fight against crimes related to pedophilia.


In every single travel around Brazil I got amazed and hopeful to realize that in all the places I have been it is clear the resentment of people regarding the crimes related to pedophilia. They have a big hunger and thirst for Justice. The growth of news linked to these crimes related to Pedophilia is a result of this effort. Despite of all the campaign and efforts to punish these criminals, it does not mean that the crimes ceased  to happen, however people are more secure to talk and denounce the facts, they are sick and tired of seeing children being exploited and abused sexually all the time.


Regarding all this, 18th May is a especial date. It is the day that we will all show our indignation against the crimes linked to Pedophilia; against the child sexual abuse and exploitation. We must join against this manifested horrible crime and prevent children to be violated.


Wear black! Wear your t-shirt “Todos contra a Pedofilia”! Wear anything black that show you care about this cause. Put in your profile anything to spread the idea that here in Brazil and everywhere we can join forces and fight against one of the cruelest crimes committed against children. UN and so many NGO’s have been doing there part, now this is you turn to do yours.


18th May, Wear Black – Everybody against Pedophilia

Mourning for all victims of pedophilia



Casé Fortes


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